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Part of Brown and Brown

Latest News

Is working from home still the way to go?

Or is it time we ALL head back to the office?

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To De-ice or NOT to De-ice - that is the question

Winter Safety: Do Businesses Need to De-Ice Their Grounds?

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Are we legally liable for the behaviour of our employees at our Christmas Party?

In a word - YES! 

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Contractors - ensuring they work to your standards

Best practice tips for effectively controlling contractors

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H&S News | HR News

Businesses need to be agile and adaptable to survive

In the current working environment even minor accidents or disputes can have potentially litigious and costly consequences. Getting employment legislation and Health and Safety compliance right is therefore essential for a business to thrive!

Our risk management service will provide you with the means to manage all aspects of staff employment and workplace safety - more easily, more effectively and more profitably.

Membership brings access to a wide range of facilities, designed to help you stay compliant with current legislation and alerts you to any changes or current issues which may impact on your business.

Services include:

Health and Safety
Essential sector specific information & guidance - all in one place

Human Resources
From recruitment to exit interview - how to effectively manage your staff

Business Continuity
Planning to survive in a business crisis

Driving Risk
Effective management of Occupational Road Risk (ORR)


Self Assessment
Where you are now; where you should be; how to get there. Your step-by-step guide

Ask the Expert
24/7 Ask the Expert facility - with guaranteed response within 24 hrs

Document Manager
Templates & forms - ready to personalise & store securely on the system

We will help you to develop and maintain a safe working environment.